

If I were the Commodore

to the tune of 'If I were a butterfly'
by Linda, Harriers
written in 1977
If I were a Commodore,
I'd wake the cruise at a quarter to four,
And if I were a skipper too,
I'd spend my time sitting in the loo.
And if I were Mrs. P,
I'd give everybody mince for tea
But I just thank you Commy for letting me sail.

For you gave me a quant,
And you gave me a sheet,
You gave me crutches
And you gave me a cleat
But I just thank you Commy for letting me sail.

If I were a bilge boy new,
I'd tell my skipper what to do,
And if I had to swab the deck,
I'd wrap the mop around his neck
And if I had to lower the mast,
I'd bang it down on his head too fast,
But I just thank you Commy for letting me sail.

If I led a Cabin Club,
I'd charge everyone a 10 P sub,
And if they all refused to talk,
Along the quant I'd make them walk
And if they wouldn't listen to me,
I'd pack it all in and make a pot of tea,
But I just thank you Commy for letting me sail.