

Fender song

to the tune of 'Who, O Lord, could save themselves'
by Ed, Tim and Jeremy
written in 2011. To be sung with fervour and preferably with suitable gestures of heart-wrenching.
Every year on Harriers B, the Norfolk Broads play host,
To people singing heartily and burning all their toast.

Around the boat are many things they need to understand,
The crutches, mop, the ronds and springs and shrouds to lend a hand.
But the fender matters most!

You alone can fend us, you alone can squidge
You along can save us from that bridge
Nothing quite as buoyant or inflammable,
Fenders how your love is bountiful.

The fender is a noble thing and each abuse if felt,
The only mention in our songs is used as an insult -
How we love your handsome shape!

Quick fenders in! Quick fenders out! Everyone shout! (x4)